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Sitemap templates

Hugo provides built-in sitemap templates.


Hugo’s embedded sitemap templates conform to v0.9 of the sitemap protocol.

With a monolingual project, Hugo generates a sitemap.xml file in the root of the publishDir using the embedded sitemap template.

With a multilingual project, Hugo generates:


See configure sitemap.

Override default values

Override the default values for a given page in front matter.

  changefreq: weekly
  disable: true
  priority: 0.8
title: News
title = 'News'
  changefreq = 'weekly'
  disable = true
  priority = 0.8
   "sitemap": {
      "changefreq": "weekly",
      "disable": true,
      "priority": 0.8
   "title": "News"

Override built-in templates

To override the built-in sitemap.xml template, create a new file in either of these locations:

  • layouts/sitemap.xml
  • layouts/_default/sitemap.xml

When ranging through the page collection, access the change frequency and priority with .Sitemap.ChangeFreq and .Sitemap.Priority respectively.

To override the built-in sitemapindex.xml template, create a new file in either of these locations:

  • layouts/sitemapindex.xml
  • layouts/_default/sitemapindex.xml

Disable sitemap generation

You may disable sitemap generation in your site configuration:

- sitemap
disableKinds = ['sitemap']
   "disableKinds": [