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Embedded templates

Hugo provides embedded templates for common use cases.


To override Hugo’s embedded Disqus template, copy the source code to a file with the same name in the layouts/partials directory, then call it from your templates using the partial function:

{{ partial "disqus.html" . }}

Hugo includes an embedded template for Disqus, a popular commenting system for both static and dynamic websites. To effectively use Disqus, secure a Disqus “shortname” by signing up for the free service.

To include the embedded template:

{{ template "_internal/disqus.html" . }}


To use Hugo’s Disqus template, first set up a single configuration value:

    shortname: your-disqus-shortname
    shortname = 'your-disqus-shortname'
   "services": {
      "disqus": {
         "shortname": "your-disqus-shortname"

Hugo’s Disqus template accesses this value with:

{{ .Site.Config.Services.Disqus.Shortname }}

You can also set the following in the front matter for a given piece of content:

  • disqus_identifier
  • disqus_title
  • disqus_url


Adjust the relevant privacy settings in your site configuration.

    disable: false
    disable = false
   "privacy": {
      "disqus": {
         "disable": false
(bool) Whether to disable the template. Default is false.

Google Analytics

To override Hugo’s embedded Google Analytics template, copy the source code to a file with the same name in the layouts/partials directory, then call it from your templates using the partial function:

{{ partial "google_analytics.html" . }}

Hugo includes an embedded template supporting Google Analytics 4.

To include the embedded template:

{{ template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }}


Provide your tracking ID in your configuration file:

   "services": {
      "googleAnalytics": {
         "id": "G-MEASUREMENT_ID"

To use this value in your own template, access the configured ID with {{ site.Config.Services.GoogleAnalytics.ID }}.


Adjust the relevant privacy settings in your site configuration.

    disable: false
    respectDoNotTrack: false
    disable = false
    respectDoNotTrack = false
   "privacy": {
      "googleAnalytics": {
         "disable": false,
         "respectDoNotTrack": false
(bool) Whether to disable the template. Default is false.
(bool) Whether to respect the browser’s “do not track” setting. Default is false.

Open Graph

To override Hugo’s embedded Open Graph template, copy the source code to a file with the same name in the layouts/partials directory, then call it from your templates using the partial function:

{{ partial "opengraph.html" . }}

Hugo includes an embedded template for the Open Graph protocol, metadata that enables a page to become a rich object in a social graph. This format is used for Facebook and some other sites.

To include the embedded template:

{{ template "_internal/opengraph.html" . }}


Hugo’s Open Graph template is configured using a mix of configuration settings and front matter on individual pages.

  description: Text about my cool site
  - site-feature-image.jpg
    facebook_admin: jsmith
  title: My cool site
  series: series
  description = 'Text about my cool site'
  images = ['site-feature-image.jpg']
  title = 'My cool site'
    facebook_admin = 'jsmith'
  series = 'series'
   "params": {
      "description": "Text about my cool site",
      "images": [
      "social": {
         "facebook_admin": "jsmith"
      "title": "My cool site"
   "taxonomies": {
      "series": "series"
audio: []
date: 2024-03-08T08:18:11-08:00
description: Text about this post
- post-cover.png
series: []
tags: []
title: Post title
videos: []
audio = []
date = 2024-03-08T08:18:11-08:00
description = 'Text about this post'
images = ['post-cover.png']
series = []
tags = []
title = 'Post title'
videos = []
   "audio": [],
   "date": "2024-03-08T08:18:11-08:00",
   "description": "Text about this post",
   "images": [
   "series": [],
   "tags": [],
   "title": "Post title",
   "videos": []

Hugo uses the page title and description for the title and description metadata. The first 6 URLs from the images array are used for image metadata. If page bundles are used and the images array is empty or undefined, images with file names matching *feature*, *cover*, or *thumbnail* are used for image metadata.

Various optional metadata can also be set:

  • Date, published date, and last modified data are used to set the published time metadata if specified.
  • audio and videos are URL arrays like images for the audio and video metadata tags, respectively.
  • The first 6 tags on the page are used for the tags metadata.
  • The series taxonomy is used to specify related “see also” pages by placing them in the same series.

If using YouTube this will produce a og:video tag like <meta property="og:video" content="url">. Use the<id> format with YouTube videos (example:


To override Hugo’s embedded Schema template, copy the source code to a file with the same name in the layouts/partials directory, then call it from your templates using the partial function:

{{ partial "schema.html" . }}

Hugo includes an embedded template to render microdata meta elements within the head element of your templates.

To include the embedded template:

{{ template "_internal/schema.html" . }}

X (Twitter) Cards

To override Hugo’s embedded Twitter Cards template, copy the source code to a file with the same name in the layouts/partials directory, then call it from your templates using the partial function:

{{ partial "twitter_cards.html" . }}

Hugo includes an embedded template for X (Twitter) Cards, metadata used to attach rich media to Tweets linking to your site.

To include the embedded template:

{{ template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . }}


Hugo’s X (Twitter) Card template is configured using a mix of configuration settings and front-matter values on individual pages.

  description: Text about my cool site
  - site-feature-image.jpg
  description = 'Text about my cool site'
  images = ['site-feature-image.jpg']
   "params": {
      "description": "Text about my cool site",
      "images": [
description: Text about this post
- post-cover.png
title: Post title
description = 'Text about this post'
images = ['post-cover.png']
title = 'Post title'
   "description": "Text about this post",
   "images": [
   "title": "Post title"

If page bundles are used and the images array is empty or undefined, images with file names matching *feature*, *cover*, or *thumbnail* are used for image metadata. If no image resources with those names are found, the images defined in the site config are used instead. If no images are found at all, then an image-less Twitter summary card is used instead of summary_large_image.

Hugo uses the page title and description for the card’s title and description fields. The page summary is used if no description is given.

Set the value of twitter:site in your site configuration:

    twitter: GoHugoIO
    twitter = 'GoHugoIO'
   "params": {
      "social": {
         "twitter": "GoHugoIO"

NOTE: The @ will be added for you

<meta name="twitter:site" content="@GoHugoIO"/>