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Applicable to images, returns an image resource processed with the given specification.





Process an image with the given specification. The specification can contain an optional action, one of crop, fill, fit, or resize. This means that you can use this method instead of Crop, Fill, Fit, or Resize.

{{ with resources.Get "images/original.jpg" }}
  {{ with .Process "crop 200x200" }}
    <img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" width="{{ .Width }}" height="{{ .Height }}" alt="">
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

You can also use this method to apply simple transformations such as rotation and conversion:

{{/* Rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise. */}}
{{ $image := $image.Process "r90" }}

{{/* Convert to WebP. */}}
{{ $image := $image.Process "webp" }}

The Process method is also available as a filter, which is more effective if you need to apply multiple filters to an image. See images.Process.

Process specification

The process specification is a space-delimited, case-insensitive list of one or more of the following in any sequence:

Applicable to the Process method only. Specify zero or one of crop, fill, fit, or resize. If you specify an action you must also provide dimensions.
Provide width or height when using the Resize method, else provide both width and height. See  details.
Use with the Crop and Fill methods. Specify zero or one of TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Center, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight, or Smart. Default is Smart. See  details.
Typically specify zero or one of r90, r180, or r270. Also supports arbitrary rotation angles. See  details.
target format
Specify zero or one of gif, jpeg, png, tiff, or webp. See  details.
Applicable to JPEG and WebP images. Optionally specify qN where N is an integer in the range [0, 100]. Default is 75. See  details.
Applicable to WebP images and equivalent to the -preset flag for the cwebp encoder. Specify zero or one of drawing, icon, photo, picture, or text. Default is photo. See  details.
background color
When converting a PNG or WebP with transparency to a format that does not support transparency, optionally specify a background color using a 3-digit or a 6-digit hexadecimal color code. Default is #ffffff (white). See  details.
resampling filter
Typically specify zero or one of Box, Lanczos, CatmullRom, MitchellNetravali, Linear, or NearestNeighbor. Other resampling filters are available. See  details.


{{ with resources.Get "images/original.jpg" }}
  {{ with .Process "crop 200x200 topright webp q85 lanczos" }}
    <img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" width="{{ .Width }}" height="{{ .Height }}" alt="">
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}


Zion National Park


Zion National Park