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Configure Hugo modules

This page describes the configuration options for a module.

Module configuration: top level

  auth: ""
  noProxy: none
  noVendor: ""
  private: '*.*'
  proxy: direct
  replacements: ""
  vendorClosest: false
  workspace: "off"
  auth = ''
  noProxy = 'none'
  noVendor = ''
  private = '*.*'
  proxy = 'direct'
  replacements = ''
  vendorClosest = false
  workspace = 'off'
   "module": {
      "auth": "",
      "noProxy": "none",
      "noVendor": "",
      "private": "*.*",
      "proxy": "direct",
      "replacements": "",
      "vendorClosest": false,
      "workspace": "off"
(string) Comma separated glob list matching paths that should not use the proxy configured above.
(string) A optional Glob pattern matching module paths to skip when vendoring, e.g. “**”
(string) Comma separated glob list matching paths that should be treated as private.
(string) Defines the proxy server to use to download remote modules. Default is direct, which means “git clone” and similar.
(string) New in v0.144.0 Configures GOAUTH when running the Go command for module operations. This is a semicolon-separated list of authentication commands for go-import and HTTPS module mirror interactions. This is useful for private repositories. See go help goauth for more information.
(bool) When enabled, we will pick the vendored module closest to the module using it. The default behavior is to pick the first. Note that there can still be only one dependency of a given module path, so once it is in use it cannot be redefined. Default is false.
(string) The workspace file to use. This enables Go workspace mode. Note that this can also be set via OS env, e.g. export HUGO_MODULE_WORKSPACE=/my/ This only works with Go 1.18+. In Hugo v0.109.0 we changed the default to off and we now resolve any relative work file names relative to the working directory.
(string) A comma-separated list of mappings from module paths to directories, e.g. -> ../.., -> /some/path. This is mostly useful for temporary local development of a module, in which case you might want to save it as an environment variable, e.g: env HUGO_MODULE_REPLACEMENTS=" -> ../..". Relative paths are relative to themesDir. Absolute paths are allowed.

Note that the above terms maps directly to their counterparts in Go Modules. Some of these setting may be natural to set as OS environment variables. To set the proxy server to use, as an example:


Go Modules

Most of the commands for Hugo Modules require a newer version (>= 1.18) of Go installed (see and the relevant VCS client (e.g. Git, see ). If you have an “older” site running on Netlify, you may have to set GO_VERSION to 1.19 or newer in your Environment settings.

For more information about Go Modules, see:

Module configuration: hugoVersion

If your module requires a particular version of Hugo to work, you can indicate that in the module section and the user will be warned if using a too old/new version.

    extended: false
    max: ""
    min: ""
    extended = false
    max = ''
    min = ''
   "module": {
      "hugoVersion": {
         "extended": false,
         "max": "",
         "min": ""

Any of the above can be omitted.

(string) The minimum Hugo version supported, e.g. 0.55.0
(string) The maximum Hugo version supported, e.g. 0.55.0
(bool) Whether the extended edition of Hugo is required, satisfied by installing either the extended or extended/deploy edition.

Module configuration: imports

  - disable: false
    ignoreConfig: false
    ignoreImports: false
  - path: my-shortcodes
    disable = false
    ignoreConfig = false
    ignoreImports = false
    path = ''
    path = 'my-shortcodes'
   "module": {
      "imports": [
            "disable": false,
            "ignoreConfig": false,
            "ignoreImports": false,
            "path": ""
            "path": "my-shortcodes"
Can be either a valid Go Module module path, e.g., or the directory name for the module as stored in your themes directory.
If enabled, any module configuration file, e.g. hugo.toml, will not be loaded. Note that this will also stop the loading of any transitive module dependencies.
If enabled, module imports will not be followed.
Set to true to disable the module while keeping any version info in the go.* files.
Do not mount any directory in this import.
Never vendor this import (only allowed in main project).

Go Modules

Most of the commands for Hugo Modules require a newer version (>= 1.18) of Go installed (see and the relevant VCS client (e.g. Git, see ). If you have an “older” site running on Netlify, you may have to set GO_VERSION to 1.19 or newer in your Environment settings.

For more information about Go Modules, see:

Module configuration: mounts

When the mounts configuration was introduced in Hugo 0.56.0, we were careful to preserve the existing contentDir, staticDir, and similar configuration to make sure all existing sites just continued to work. But you should not have both: if you add a mounts section you should remove the old contentDir, staticDir, etc. settings.

When you add a mount, the default mount for the concerned target root is ignored: be sure to explicitly add it.

Default mounts

  - source: content
    target: content
  - source: static
    target: static
  - source: layouts
    target: layouts
  - source: data
    target: data
  - source: assets
    target: assets
  - source: i18n
    target: i18n
  - source: archetypes
    target: archetypes
    source = 'content'
    target = 'content'
    source = 'static'
    target = 'static'
    source = 'layouts'
    target = 'layouts'
    source = 'data'
    target = 'data'
    source = 'assets'
    target = 'assets'
    source = 'i18n'
    target = 'i18n'
    source = 'archetypes'
    target = 'archetypes'
   "module": {
      "mounts": [
            "source": "content",
            "target": "content"
            "source": "static",
            "target": "static"
            "source": "layouts",
            "target": "layouts"
            "source": "data",
            "target": "data"
            "source": "assets",
            "target": "assets"
            "source": "i18n",
            "target": "i18n"
            "source": "archetypes",
            "target": "archetypes"
(string) The source directory of the mount. For the main project, this can be either project-relative or absolute. For other modules it must be project-relative.
(string) Where it should be mounted into Hugo’s virtual filesystem. It must start with one of Hugo’s component directories: static, content, layouts, data, assets, i18n, or archetypes. E.g. content/blog.
New in v0.128.0
(bool) Whether to disable watching in watch mode for this mount. Default is false.
(string) The language code, e.g. “en”. Only relevant for content mounts, and static mounts when in multihost mode.
(string or []string) One or more glob patterns matching files or directories to include. If excludeFiles is not set, the files matching includeFiles will be the files mounted.

The glob patterns are matched to the file names starting from the source root, they should have Unix styled slashes even on Windows, / matches the mount root and ** can be used as a super-asterisk to match recursively down all directories, e.g /posts/**.jpg.

The search is case-insensitive.

(string or []string) One or more glob patterns matching files to exclude.


  - excludeFiles: docs/*
    source: content
    target: content
  - source: node_modules
    target: assets
  - source: assets
    target: assets
    excludeFiles = 'docs/*'
    source = 'content'
    target = 'content'
    source = 'node_modules'
    target = 'assets'
    source = 'assets'
    target = 'assets'
   "module": {
      "mounts": [
            "excludeFiles": "docs/*",
            "source": "content",
            "target": "content"
            "source": "node_modules",
            "target": "assets"
            "source": "assets",
            "target": "assets"

Last updated: February 17, 2025 : Close new-in (ac3b5505c)
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