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Executes the block if the expression is truthy.



The falsy values are false, 0, any nil pointer or interface value, any array, slice, map, or string of length zero, and zero time.Time values.

Everything else is truthy.

{{ $var := "foo" }}
{{ if $var }}
  {{ $var }} → foo
{{ end }}

Use with the else statement:

{{ $var := "foo" }}
{{ if $var }}
  {{ $var }} → foo
{{ else }}
  {{ print "var is falsy" }}
{{ end }}

Use else if to check multiple conditions:

{{ $var := 12 }}
{{ if eq $var 6 }}
  {{ print "var is 6" }}
{{ else if eq $var 7 }}
  {{ print "var is 7" }}
{{ else if eq $var 42 }}
  {{ print "var is 42" }}
{{ else }}
  {{ print "var is something else" }}
{{ end }}

See Go’s text/template documentation for more information.