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Appends one or more elements to a slice and returns the resulting slice.


collections.Append ELEMENT [ELEMENT...] COLLECTION
collections.Append COLLECTION1 COLLECTION2





This function appends all elements, excluding the last, to the last element. This allows pipe constructs as shown below.

Append a single element to a slice:

{{ $s := slice "a" "b" }}
{{ $s }} → [a b]

{{ $s = $s | append "c" }}
{{ $s }} → [a b c]

Append two elements to a slice:

{{ $s := slice "a" "b" }}
{{ $s }} → [a b]

{{ $s = $s | append "c" "d" }}
{{ $s }} → [a b c d]

Append two elements, as a slice, to a slice. This produces the same result as the previous example:

{{ $s := slice "a" "b" }}
{{ $s }} → [a b]

{{ $s = $s | append (slice "c" "d") }}
{{ $s }} → [a b c d]

Start with an empty slice:

{{ $s := slice }}
{{ $s }} → []

{{ $s = $s | append "a" }}
{{ $s }} → [a]

{{ $s = $s | append "b" "c" }}
{{ $s }} → [a b c]

{{ $s = $s | append (slice "d" "e") }}
{{ $s }} → [a b c d e]

If you start with a slice of a slice:

{{ $s := slice (slice "a" "b") }}
{{ $s }} → [[a b]]

{{ $s = $s | append (slice "c" "d") }}
{{ $s }} → [[a b] [c d]]

To create a slice of slices, starting with an empty slice:

{{ $s := slice }}
{{ $s }} → []

{{ $s = $s | append (slice (slice "a" "b")) }}
{{ $s }} → [[a b]]

{{ $s = $s | append (slice "c" "d") }}
{{ $s }} → [[a b] [c d]]

Although the elements in the examples above are strings, you can use the append function with any data type, including Pages. For example, on the home page of a corporate site, to display links to the two most recent press releases followed by links to the four most recent articles:

{{ $p := where site.RegularPages "Type" "press-releases" | first 2 }}
{{ $p = $p | append (where site.RegularPages "Type" "articles" | first 4) }}

{{ with $p }}
    {{ range . }}
      <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></li>
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}