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Hugo assumes that the same structure that works to organize your source content is used to organize the rendered site.

Page bundles

Use page bundles to logically associate one or more resources with content.

Content formats

Create your content using Markdown, HTML, Emacs Org Mode, AsciiDoc, Pandoc, or reStructuredText.

Front matter

Use front matter to add metadata to your content.

Build options

Build options help define how Hugo must treat a given page when building the site.

Page resources

Use page resources to logically associate assets with a page.

Image processing

Resize, crop, rotate, filter, and convert images.


Use embedded, custom, or inline shortcodes to insert elements such as videos, images, and social media embeds into your content.

Related content

List related content in "See Also" sections.


Organize content into sections.

Content types

Hugo is built around content organized in sections.


An archetype is a template for new content.


Hugo includes support for user-defined taxonomies.


Create and render content summaries.

Links and cross references

Shortcodes for creating links to documents.

URL management

Control the structure and appearance of URLs through front matter entries and settings in your site configuration.


Create menus by defining entries, localizing each entry, and rendering the resulting data structure.


Hugo ships with an internal Disqus template, but this isn't the only commenting system that will work with your new Hugo website.


Localize your project for each language and region, including translations, images, dates, currencies, numbers, percentages, and collation sequence. Hugo's multilingual framework supports single-host and multihost configurations.

Markdown attributes

Use Markdown attributes to add HTML attributes when rendering Markdown to HTML.

Syntax highlighting

Hugo comes with really fast syntax highlighting from Chroma.


Use fenced code blocks and Markdown render hooks to include diagrams in your content.


Include mathematical equations and expressions in Markdown using LaTeX markup.

Data sources

Use local and remote data sources to augment or create content.

Content adapters

Create content adapters to dynamically add content when building your site.