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Page resources

Use page resources to logically associate assets with a page.

Page resources are only accessible from page bundles, those directories with or files at their root. Page resources are only available to the page with which they are bundled.

In this example, first-post is a page bundle with access to 10 page resources including audio, data, documents, images, and video. Although second-post is also a page bundle, it has no page resources and is unable to directly access the page resources associated with first-post.

└── post
    ├── first-post
    │   ├── images
    │   │   ├── a.jpg
    │   │   ├── b.jpg
    │   │   └── c.jpg
    │   ├── (root of page bundle)
    │   ├── latest.html
    │   ├── manual.json
    │   ├──
    │   ├── office.mp3
    │   ├── pocket.mp4
    │   ├── rating.pdf
    │   └── safety.txt
    └── second-post
        └── (root of page bundle)


Use any of these methods on a Page object to capture page resources:

Once you have captured a resource, use any of the applicable Resource methods to return a value or perform an action.

The following examples assume this content structure:

└── example/
    ├── data/
    │  └── books.json   <-- page resource
    ├── images/
    │  ├── a.jpg        <-- page resource
    │  └── b.jpg        <-- page resource
    ├── snippets/
    │  └──      <-- page resource

Render a single image, and throw an error if the file does not exist:

{{ $path := "images/a.jpg" }}
{{ with .Resources.Get $path }}
  <img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" width="{{ .Width }}" height="{{ .Height }}" alt="">
{{ else }}
  {{ errorf "Unable to get page resource %q" $path }}
{{ end }}

Render all images, resized to 300 px wide:

{{ range .Resources.ByType "image" }}
  {{ with .Resize "300x" }}
    <img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" width="{{ .Width }}" height="{{ .Height }}" alt="">
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Render the markdown snippet:

{{ with .Resources.Get "snippets/" }}
  {{ .Content }}
{{ end }}

List the titles in the data file, and throw an error if the file does not exist.

{{ $path := "data/books.json" }}
{{ with .Resources.Get $path }}
  {{ with . | transform.Unmarshal }}
      {{ range . }}
        <li>{{ .title }}</li>
      {{ end }}
  {{ end }}
{{ else }}
  {{ errorf "Unable to get page resource %q" $path }}
{{ end }}


The page resources’ metadata is managed from the corresponding page’s front matter with an array/table parameter named resources. You can batch assign values using wildcards.

Resources of type page get Title etc. from their own front matter.

(string) Sets the value returned in Name.

The methods Match, Get and GetMatch use Name to match the resources.

(string) Sets the value returned in Title
(map) A map of custom key-value pairs.

Resources metadata example

date = '2018-01-25'
title = 'Application'
  name = 'header'
  src = 'images/sunset.jpg'
  src = 'documents/photo_specs.pdf'
  title = 'Photo Specifications'
    icon = 'photo'
  src = 'documents/guide.pdf'
  title = 'Instruction Guide'
  src = 'documents/checklist.pdf'
  title = 'Document Checklist'
  src = 'documents/payment.docx'
  title = 'Proof of Payment'
  name = 'pdf-file-:counter'
  src = '**.pdf'
    icon = 'pdf'
  src = '**.docx'
    icon = 'word'

From the example above:

  • sunset.jpg will receive a new Name and can now be found with .GetMatch "header".
  • documents/photo_specs.pdf will get the photo icon.
  • documents/checklist.pdf, documents/guide.pdf and documents/payment.docx will get Title as set by title.
  • Every PDF in the bundle except documents/photo_specs.pdf will get the pdf icon.
  • All PDF files will get a new Name. The name parameter contains a special placeholder :counter, so the Name will be pdf-file-1, pdf-file-2, pdf-file-3.
  • Every docx in the bundle will receive the word icon.

The order matters; only the first set values of the title, name and params keys will be used. Consecutive parameters will be set only for the ones not already set. In the above example, .Params.icon is first set to "photo" in src = "documents/photo_specs.pdf". So that would not get overridden to "pdf" by the later set src = "**.pdf" rule.

The :counter placeholder in name and title

The :counter is a special placeholder recognized in name and title parameters resources.

The counter starts at 1 the first time they are used in either name or title.

For example, if a bundle has the resources photo_specs.pdf, other_specs.pdf, guide.pdf and checklist.pdf, and the front matter has specified the resources as:

title = 'Engine inspections'
  src = '*specs.pdf'
  title = 'Specification #:counter'
  name = 'pdf-file-:counter'
  src = '**.pdf'

the Name and Title will be assigned to the resource files as follows:

Resource fileNameTitle
other_specs.pdf"pdf-file-3.pdf"Specification #1"
photo_specs.pdf"pdf-file-4.pdf"Specification #2"


New in v0.123.0

By default, with a multilingual single-host site, Hugo does not duplicate shared page resources when building the site.

This behavior is limited to Markdown content. Shared page resources for other content formats are copied into each language bundle.

Consider this site configuration:

defaultContentLanguage = 'de'
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
    languageCode = 'de-DE'
    languageName = 'Deutsch'
    weight = 1
    languageCode = 'en-US'
    languageName = 'English'
    weight = 2

And this content:

└── my-bundle/
    ├── a.jpg     <-- shared page resource
    ├── b.jpg     <-- shared page resource
    ├── c.en.jpg

With v0.122.0 and earlier, Hugo duplicated the shared page resources, creating copies for each language:

├── de/
│   ├── my-bundle/
│   │   ├── a.jpg     <-- shared page resource
│   │   ├── b.jpg     <-- shared page resource
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── index.html
│   └── index.html
├── en/
│   ├── my-bundle/
│   │   ├── a.jpg     <-- shared page resource (duplicate)
│   │   ├── b.jpg     <-- shared page resource (duplicate)
│   │   ├── c.en.jpg
│   │   └── index.html
│   └── index.html
└── index.html

With v0.123.0 and later, Hugo places the shared resources in the page bundle for the default content language:

├── de/
│   ├── my-bundle/
│   │   ├── a.jpg     <-- shared page resource
│   │   ├── b.jpg     <-- shared page resource
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── index.html
│   └── index.html
├── en/
│   ├── my-bundle/
│   │   ├── c.en.jpg
│   │   └── index.html
│   └── index.html
└── index.html

This approach reduces build times, storage requirements, bandwidth consumption, and deployment times, ultimately reducing cost.

To resolve Markdown link and image destinations to the correct location, you must use link and image render hooks that capture the page resource with the Resources.Get method, and then invoke its RelPermalink method.

By default, with multilingual single-host sites, Hugo enables its embedded link render hook and embedded image render hook to resolve Markdown link and image destinations.

You may override the embedded render hooks as needed, provided they capture the resource as described above.

Although duplicating shared page resources is inefficient, you can enable this feature in your site configuration if desired:

    duplicateResourceFiles = true