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Configure taxonomies

Configure taxonomies.

The default configuration defines two taxonomies, categories and tags.

  category: categories
  tag: tags
  category = 'categories'
  tag = 'tags'
   "taxonomies": {
      "category": "categories",
      "tag": "tags"

When creating a taxonomy:

  • Use the singular form for the key (e.g., category).
  • Use the plural form for the value (e.g., categories).

Then use the value as the key in front matter:

- vegetarian
- gluten-free
- appetizer
- main course
title: Example
categories = ['vegetarian', 'gluten-free']
tags = ['appetizer', 'main course']
title = 'Example'
   "categories": [
   "tags": [
      "main course"
   "title": "Example"

If you do not expect to assign more than one term from a given taxonomy to a content page, you may use the singular form for both key and value:

  author: author
  author = 'author'
   "taxonomies": {
      "author": "author"

Then in front matter:

- Robert Smith
title: Example
author = ['Robert Smith']
title = 'Example'
   "author": [
      "Robert Smith"
   "title": "Example"

The example above illustrates that even with a single term, the value is still provided as an array.

You must explicitly define the default taxonomies to maintain them when adding a new one:

  author: author
  category: categories
  tag: tags
  author = 'author'
  category = 'categories'
  tag = 'tags'
   "taxonomies": {
      "author": "author",
      "category": "categories",
      "tag": "tags"

To disable the taxonomy system, use the disableKinds setting in the root of your site configuration to disable the taxonomy and term page kinds.

- categories
- tags
disableKinds = ['categories', 'tags']
   "disableKinds": [

See the taxonomies section for more information.