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Configure related content

Configure related content.

To understand Hugo’s related content identification, please refer to the related content page.

Hugo provides a sensible default configuration for identifying related content, but you can customize it in your site configuration, either globally or per language.

Default configuration

This is the default configuration:

  includeNewer: false
  - applyFilter: false
    cardinalityThreshold: 0
    name: keywords
    pattern: ""
    toLower: false
    type: basic
    weight: 100
  - applyFilter: false
    cardinalityThreshold: 0
    name: date
    pattern: ""
    toLower: false
    type: basic
    weight: 10
  - applyFilter: false
    cardinalityThreshold: 0
    name: tags
    pattern: ""
    toLower: false
    type: basic
    weight: 80
  threshold: 80
  toLower: false
  includeNewer = false
  threshold = 80
  toLower = false
    applyFilter = false
    cardinalityThreshold = 0
    name = 'keywords'
    pattern = ''
    toLower = false
    type = 'basic'
    weight = 100
    applyFilter = false
    cardinalityThreshold = 0
    name = 'date'
    pattern = ''
    toLower = false
    type = 'basic'
    weight = 10
    applyFilter = false
    cardinalityThreshold = 0
    name = 'tags'
    pattern = ''
    toLower = false
    type = 'basic'
    weight = 80
   "related": {
      "includeNewer": false,
      "indices": [
            "applyFilter": false,
            "cardinalityThreshold": 0,
            "name": "keywords",
            "pattern": "",
            "toLower": false,
            "type": "basic",
            "weight": 100
            "applyFilter": false,
            "cardinalityThreshold": 0,
            "name": "date",
            "pattern": "",
            "toLower": false,
            "type": "basic",
            "weight": 10
            "applyFilter": false,
            "cardinalityThreshold": 0,
            "name": "tags",
            "pattern": "",
            "toLower": false,
            "type": "basic",
            "weight": 80
      "threshold": 80,
      "toLower": false

Adding a related section to your site configuration requires you to provide a full configuration. You cannot override individual default values without specifying all related settings.

Top-level options

(int) A value between 0-100, inclusive. A lower value will return more, but maybe not so relevant, matches.
(bool) Whether to include pages newer than the current page in the related content listing. This will mean that the output for older posts may change as new related content gets added. Default is false.
(bool) Whether to transform keywords in both the indexes and the queries to lower case. This may give more accurate results at a slight performance penalty. Default is false.

Per-index options

(string) The index name. This value maps directly to a page parameter. Hugo supports string values (author in the example) and lists (tags, keywords etc.) and time and date objects.
(string) One of basic or fragments. Default is basic.
(string) Apply a type specific filter to the result of a search. This is currently only used for the fragments type.
(int) An integer weight that indicates how important this parameter is relative to the other parameters. It can be 0, which has the effect of turning this index off, or even negative. Test with different values to see what fits your content best. Default is 0.
(int) If between 1 and 100, this is a percentage. All keywords that are used in more than this percentage of documents are removed. For example, setting this to 60 will remove all keywords that are used in more than 60% of the documents in the index. If 0, no keyword is removed from the index. Default is 0.
(string) This is currently only relevant for dates. When listing related content, we may want to list content that is also close in time. Setting “2006” (default value for date indexes) as the pattern for a date index will add weight to pages published in the same year. For busier blogs, “200601” (year and month) may be a better default.
(bool) Whether to transform keywords in both the indexes and the queries to lower case. This may give more accurate results at a slight performance penalty. Default is false.


Imagine we’re building a book review site. Our main content will be book reviews, and we’ll use genres and authors as taxonomies. When someone views a book review, we want to show a short list of related reviews based on shared authors and genres.

Create the content:

└── book-reviews/

Configure the taxonomies:

  author: authors
  genre: genres
  author = 'authors'
  genre = 'genres'
   "taxonomies": {
      "author": "authors",
      "genre": "genres"

Configure the related content identification:

  includeNewer: true
  - name: authors
    weight: 2
  - name: genres
    weight: 1
  threshold: 80
  toLower: true
  includeNewer = true
  threshold = 80
  toLower = true
    name = 'authors'
    weight = 2
    name = 'genres'
    weight = 1
   "related": {
      "includeNewer": true,
      "indices": [
            "name": "authors",
            "weight": 2
            "name": "genres",
            "weight": 1
      "threshold": 80,
      "toLower": true

We’ve configured the authors index with a weight of 2 and the genres index with a weight of 1. This means Hugo prioritizes shared authors as twice as significant as shared genres.

Then render a list of 5 related reviews with a partial template like this:

{{ with site.RegularPages.Related . | first 5 }}
  <p>Related content:</p>
    {{ range . }}
      <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></li>
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}