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Configure content types

Configure content types.
New in v0.144.0

Hugo supports six content formats:

Content formatMedia typeIdentifierFile extensions
Markdowntext/markdownmarkdownmarkdown,md, mdown
HTMLtext/htmlhtmlhtm, html
Emacs Org Modetext/orgorgorg
AsciiDoctext/asciidocasciidocad, adoc, asciidoc
Pandoctext/pandocpandocpandoc, pdc

These can be used as either page content or page resources. When used as page resources, their resource type is page.

Consider this example of a page bundle:

└── example/
    ├──  <-- content
    ├── a.adoc    <-- resource (resource type: page)
    ├── b.html    <-- resource (resource type: page)
    ├──      <-- resource (resource type: page)
    ├──     <-- resource (resource type: page)
    ├── e.pdc     <-- resource (resource type: page)
    ├── f.rst     <-- resource (resource type: page)
    ├── g.jpg     <-- resource (resource type: image)
    └── h.png     <-- resource (resource type: image)

The file is the page’s content, while the other files are page resources. Files a through f are of resource type page, while g and h are of resource type image.

When you build a site, Hugo does not publish page resources having a resource type of page. For example, this is the result of building the site above:

├── example/
│   ├── g.jpg
│   ├── h.png
│   └── index.html
└── index.html

The default behavior is appropriate in most cases. Given that page resources containing markup are typically intended for inclusion in the main content, publishing them independently is generally undesirable.

The default behavior is determined by the contentTypes configuration:

  text/asciidoc: {}
  text/html: {}
  text/markdown: {}
  text/org: {}
  text/pandoc: {}
  text/rst: {}
   "contentTypes": {
      "text/asciidoc": {},
      "text/html": {},
      "text/markdown": {},
      "text/org": {},
      "text/pandoc": {},
      "text/rst": {}

In this default configuration, page resources with those media types will have a resource type of page, and will not be automatically published. To change the resource type assignment from page to text for a given media type, remove the corresponding entry from the list.

For example, to set the resource type of text/html files to text, thereby enabling automatic publication, remove the text/html entry:

  text/asciidoc: {}
  text/markdown: {}
  text/org: {}
  text/pandoc: {}
  text/rst: {}
   "contentTypes": {
      "text/asciidoc": {},
      "text/markdown": {},
      "text/org": {},
      "text/pandoc": {},
      "text/rst": {}